
Only 39% People Say 'Yes' To Chiranjeevi
Neilson Org Marg has surveyed people from all the districts of Andhra Pradesh with respect to the entry of Chiranjeevi into politics. Miserably it was just 39% of people from entire AP who wished Chiranjeevi to come into politics. Majority have conveyed that it would be better for him to be associated only with Film Industry and carry on with his social activities without stepping into politics.

The point to underline is that only 30-35% of people have welcomed Chiranjeevi into politics from his native district, West Godavari. The Chiru wave is not seen in big way and majority of people have opined that his image would be fresh and spotless only if he keeps away from politics.

The wave is a bit better only from Visakhapatnam district where 53 percent of people have welcomed Chiranjeevi into politics. And in rest of the districts it is between 30-40%. There are a few districts where the response is just around 23 percent positively.

Well, will this opinion of people continue or will it just vary with time has to be seen.
Posted by admin: gnanadeep


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