
Web Talk: A letter from Chiranjeevi!!

Even as the talk of Megastar Chiranjeevi launching a new political party has become a hot topic of discussion all over the State, a mail has generated from somewhere and is doing rounds in the Capital city, in the form of a letter purported to have been written by Chiranjeevi.

Here is the text of the mail; don't go to the bottom instantly; otherwise you will lose the fun!!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Before I begin my letter today, I just want to say that, I thought a lot about what I want to write to you today - so I started asking for ideas from my family and friends.

My wife said I should talk about life experiences. My friends said I should tell you about my contributions to the society. And Pawan Kalyan, said "Break that mirror in front of you - that mirror that only lets you look at yourself. Break it, so you can look beyond! You'll see the rest of the world. You'll see people who need your help!".

I realized I'd just speak out what's on my mind. You know, all of those areas - early days, movies and my family - are part of the story of my life - and I'm proud of it. But as the years have gone by, I've grown and changed because of them - and through them - to become the man I am today.

One thing I want to emphasize that I have learnt acting in 100+ movies is, no matter how big star you are, you need hundreds of people it takes to make a movie. It's the director and the director of photography... makeup, hair, and wardrobe... visual effects... special effects... stunt coordinators... not to mention the electricians and lighting guys, carpenters and accountants, and on and on. A hundred-and-fifty people minimum. That's why the credits are so long.

As I move myself to serve the government. I need more than hundred-and-fifty. I need seven crore Telugu people to support me. Yes, I need support from each and everyone one of you.

I have a dream to build an effective and transparent government. I believe our government should be in the business of educating our children, ensuring public safety, providing good medical facilities, generating opportunities to underprivileged, support Agriculture, Scientific and Medical reforms and many more. I believe in lower taxes. I believe in controlling government spending. I want to bring a change in our lives. I need your support to make this dream come true.

I am in the process of preparing our party agenda and goals. And as always, When you announce any ambitious goals to people, what do you think they'll do? Well, some people will laugh. Some will roll their eyes. And a lot of them will just tell you "You'll never make it!". I've experienced all of those. So don't listen to them. I encourage you to look around your community and see what you can do. What can all of us do to give back?

Write to me your thoughts.

Thanks for reading.
Annaya Chiranjeevi

Note: Annaya Chiranjeevi is a Fictional Character and has no basis in reality nor is related to Megastar Chiranjeevi. This email is intended for fun and entertainment purpose only. This letter does not reflect the views of our mega star Chiranjeevi nor any political party. Have fun and pass it to your friends.
Posted by admin: gnanadeep


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